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2022-03-12  點擊:[]


博士 副教授 碩士生導師


通訊地址:大連市淩海路1号,科學會館 315

電子郵箱:xzkong@dlmu.edu.cn, kongxiaozhi_lx@163.com
















1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目, 52006021, 壓氣機靜子容腔洩漏流與主流相互幹涉機制及其流動控制方法研究, 2021.01-2023.12, 24, 在研, 主持

2. 遼甯省自然科學基金項目, 2020-BS-069, 靜子容腔流對高負荷壓氣機端區流動影響機制研究, 2020.05-2022.04, 在研, 主持

3. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目, 2021M690498, 基于洩漏流與主流耦合匹配的壓氣機靜子容腔造型設計方法研究,2021.01-2022.12, 在研, 主持

4. 中國航發研究院,基于流體振蕩器的****主動控制研究,2020.10-2022.12, 在研,技術負責人

5. 中船重工哈爾濱船舶鍋爐渦輪機研究所,壓氣機過渡段補充吹風試驗,在研,技術負責人

6. 中科院工程熱物理研究所,平面葉栅吹風測試試驗,在研,技術負責人

7. 中國航發上海商發,亞音速平面葉栅試驗,已結題,參與

8. 中船重工哈爾濱船舶鍋爐渦輪機研究所,****渦輪平面葉栅試驗,已結題,參與

9. 中國航發研究院,****流體激蕩器流動控制試驗,已結題,參與



[1] Xiaozhi Kong, Yuxin Liu, Gaowen Liu, David M. Birch, Longxi Zheng. Attempts on the Reduction of Leakage Flow Through the Stator Well in an Axial Compressor [J]. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 141(8): 082501.SCIJCR Q2)

[2] Xiaozhi Kong, Gaowen Liu, Yuxin Liu, Longxi Zheng. Experimental Testing for the Influences of Rotation and Tip Clearance on the Labyrinth Seal in a Compressor Stator Well [J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017(71): 556-567.SCIJCR Q1)

[3] Xiaozhi Kong, Yuxin Liu, Huawei Lu, Zhitao Tian, Jianchi Xin. Performance Analysis of Inter-Stage Leakage Flows at Rotating Conditions in an Axial Compressor [J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2020, 29(6): 1558-1568.SCIJCR Q2)

[4] Xiaozhi Kong, Arthur Poulain, Paul Nathan, David M. Birch. Fabrication and Calibration of Directionally Resolved Micropillars Using Off-the-Shelf Piezoresistive Dies [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2019, 19(4): 1252-1259.SCIJCR Q1)

[5] Xiaozhi Kong, Gaowen Liu, Yuxin Liu, Zhao Lei, Longxi Zheng. Performance Evaluation of the Inter-Stage Labyrinth Seal for Different Tooth Positions in an Axial Compressor [J]. Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy, 2018, 232(6): 579-592.SCIJCR Q4)

[6] Xiaozhi Kong, Gaowen Liu, Yuxin Liu, Qing Feng. Investigation on the Leakage Flow, Windage Heating and Swirl Development of Rotating Labyrinth Seal in a Compressor Stator Well, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016-GT-56740, 2016.CPCI-S, EI)

[7] Gaowen Liu, Xiaozhi Kong, Yuxin Liu, Qing Feng. Effects of Rotational Speed on the Leakage Behavior, Temperature Increase and Swirl Development of Labyrinth Seal in a Compressor Stator Well. Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 231(13) 2362-2374.SCIJCR Q3)

[8] Yuxin Liu, Benzhuang Yue, Xiaozhi Kong, Hua Chen, Huawei Lu. Design and Performance Analysis of a Vane Shaped Rotating Receiver Hole in High Radius Pre-Swirl Systems for Gas Turbine Cooling. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021(115): 1-12.SCIJCR Q1)

[9] Yuxin Liu, Gaowen Liu, Xiaozhi Kong, Yangang Wang. Design and Numerical Analysis of a Vane Shaped Receiver Hole in a Cover-Plate Pre-Swirl System. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 141(4):041001. SCIJCR Q2)

[10] Yuxin Liu, Chew John W, Pekris Michael J, Xiaozhi Kong, The Effect of Inlet Swirl on Brush Seal Bristle Deflections and Stability, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 2020, 142(7): 071002. SCIJCR Q2)

[11] Yuxin Liu, Gaowen Liu, Xiaozhi Kong, Yangang Wang. Experimental Testing and Numerical Analysis on the Nozzle Effects in Pre-swirl System. AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2018, 34(4): 1015-1025. SCIJCR Q2)

[12] Gaowen Liu, Yuxin Liu, Xiaozhi Kong, Qing Feng. A new Design of Vane-Shaped Hole Pre-Swirl Nozzle. Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy, 2017, 231(1): 14-24.SCI, JCR Q4)

[13] Yuxin Liu, Gaowen Liu, Xiaozhi Kong, Qing Feng. Design and Numerical Analysis of a New Type of Pre-swirl Nozzle. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, 2016-GT-56738, 2016. CPCI-S, EI)

[14] Yuxin Liu, Wenlei Dong, John Chew, Michael Pekris, Benzhuang Yue, Xiaozhi Kong. Flow Conditioning to Control the Effects of Inlet Swirl on Brush Seal Performance in Gas Turbine Engines. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 9(2): 815152. SCIJCR Q2)

[15] 孔曉治, 劉育心, 陸華偉. 旋流對刷式封嚴刷絲變形影響的流固耦合研究[J]. 工程熱物理學報, 2021, 42(5): 1224-1232. EI

[16] 孔曉治, 劉高文, 劉育心, 龔文彬, 王掩剛. 葉片式預旋噴嘴出口流場實驗研究[J]. 推進技術, 2019, 40(10): 2279-2286. EI

[17] 孔曉治, 劉高文, 雷昭, 暢然, 劉陽. 齒型對壓氣機級間封嚴特性影響的實驗研究[J]. 推進技術, 2018, 39(9): 2085-2093. EI

[18] 孔曉治, 劉高文, 雷昭, 暢然, 劉陽. 轉速對壓氣機級間篦齒封嚴影響的實驗[J]. 航空動力學報, 2016, 31(7): 1575-1582. EI

[19] 孔曉治, 劉高文, 陳凱. 齒位置對壓氣機級間封嚴影響的數值研究[J]. 航空動力學報, 2015, 30(12): 2925-2933. EI

[20] 雷昭, 孔曉治, 劉高文等. 高轉速下台階篦齒流動特性的實驗與計算. 推進技術, 2017, 38(11): 2588-2596. EI

[21] 孫科, 劉高文, 孔曉治, 雷昭. 旋流和風阻溫升下壓氣機級間篦齒封嚴空氣網絡計算模型. 航空動力學報, 2018, 33(6): 1354-1362. EI


1. 孔曉治,李兆鑫,劉育心,嶽本壯,陸華偉. 一種帶刷式密封的壓氣機進口導葉結構,中國發明專利,CN113339323A.

2. 孔曉治,黃天碩,劉育心,孫宇澤,劉明傑,陸冰雲. 一種帶葉輪的壓氣機級間封嚴容腔結構,中國發明專利,CN113847273A.

3. 孔曉治,劉高文,劉育心,劉陽,雷昭. 一種用于壓氣機級間的雙重徑向封嚴結構,中國發明專利,201711007449.

4. 劉育心,劉高文,孔曉治,薛涵菲,尚斌,王掩剛. 一種用于預旋冷卻系統的葉型接受孔結構,中國發明專利,CN107313860A.

5. 劉高文,劉育心,孔曉治,馮青,吳衡. 一種用于預旋冷卻系統的葉孔式預旋噴嘴,中國發明專利,CN105114186A.

6. 劉育心, 嶽本壯, 孔曉治, 李兆鑫. 一種高穩定性的帶導流闆刷式密封結構, 中國發明專利,202110100584X.


1. 大連市高層次人才青年才俊稱号,2020.05

2. 大連市引進城市發展緊缺人才2019.10

3. 西北工業大學優秀博士學位論文2021.04

4. 402永利手机版网址優秀共産黨員2021.06





1. 國家自然科學基金項目評審專家

2. 教育部研究生學位論文評議專家

3. 國際期刊《Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering》,《Journal of Thermal Science,Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics》,《Aerospace Science and Technology》等審稿人。

上一條:李相君 下一條:田志濤

