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2022-03-12  點擊:[]


博士 教授 博士生導師


通訊地址:大連市淩海路1号402永利手机版网址遠航樓三區 206



2003.09-2009.01      大連理工大學, 化學工程(碩博連讀), 博士

2002.09-2003.07      大連理工大學, 應用電子工程, 雙學位

1998.09-2002.06      大連理工大學, 化學工程與工藝, 學士


2019.09- 至今     402永利手机版网址, 402永利手机版网址, 教授

2011.08-2012.08    University of Missouri-Columbia, 訪問學者

2011.07-2019.08      402永利手机版网址, 輪機工程學院, 副教授

2009.01-2011.07      402永利手机版网址, 輪機工程學院, 講師






1. 遼甯省自然科學基金, 絕熱噴霧吸收熱質傳遞強化與船舶吸收制冷系統, 項目編号:2020-HYLH-33, 10萬元,主持。

2. 國家自然科學基金,超高速冷凍過程中的細薄膜蒸發傳熱及其強化機理和細胞玻璃化冷凍研究,項目編号:5137602780萬,主持。

3. 國家自然科學基金,雙組分納米流體強化NH3\H2O泡狀吸收的多因素耦合作用機理的研究,項目編号:5100601320萬,主持。

4. 國家自然科學基金,液态金屬汽墊式脈動熱管脈動流動及高效傳熱機理, 項目編号:5187601961萬,參與。

5. 國家自然科學基金,先進旋渦燃燒室富氫貧燃料預混合燃燒特性研究,項目編号:5107602034萬,參與。

6. 交通運輸部科技項目,相變傳熱傳質機理及船舶節能技術研究,項目編号:2011-329-225-38020萬,參與。

7. 大連市科技項目,基于納米流體脈動熱管技術的魚品快速冷凍保鮮和芯片化細胞超快速冷凍裝置的開發,項目編号:2010E15SF1625萬,參與。

8. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金,基于薄液膜蒸發的超速玻璃化凍結技術中的關鍵熱物理問題,項目編号:313201302112萬,主持。



[1] Su F M, Xu H, Zhao N N, Deng Y B, Ma H B, Evaporation heat transfer of liquid nitrogen on microstructured surface at high superheat level, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 87: 192-197.

[2] Su F M, Zhao N N, Deng Y B, Ma H B, An Ultra Fast Vitrification method for cell cryopreservation Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140: 012001-1~4

[3] Su F M, Fan Y M, Xu H, Zhao N N, Ji Y L, Ma H B, Thin-film evaporation heat transfer of liquid nitrogen and its application in cell vitrification, Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 2020, 142: 071602-1~6.

[4] Su F M Ma H B Deng Y B, Zhao N N, A numerical model for ammonia/water absorption from a bubble expanding at a submerged nozzle into a binary nanofluid, Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 2014, 5(1): 010902-1-5.

[5] Su F M, Deng Y B, Ma Hongbin, Numerical analysis of ammonia bubble absorption in a binary nanofluid, Chemical Engineering Communications, 2015, 202(4): 500-507.

[6] Su F MDeng Y B, Ma H B, Adiabatic spray absorption process in an Aqueous ammonia solution, Heat Transfer Research, 2013, 44(8): 733-743.

[7] Su F M, Ma H B, Han X, Chen H H, Tian B H, Ultra-High Cooling Rate Utilizing Thin Film Evaporation, Applied Physics Letters, 101(11), 2012: 113702.

[8] Su F M, Ma H B, Gao H,T, Characteristic analysis of adiabatic spray absorption process in aqueous lithium bromide solution, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 38(4): 425-428.

[9] Su F M, Ma X H, Lan Z, The effect of carbon nanotubes on the physical properties of a binary nanofluids, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering 201142(2): 252-257.

[10] Ma X H, Su F M, Chen J B, Bai T, Han Z X, Enhancement of Bubble Absorption Process using a CNTs-NH3 Binary Nanofluid. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009, 36(7): 657-660.

[11] Ma X H, Su F M, Chen J B, Zhang Y. Heat and mass transfer enhancement of the bubble absorption for a binary nanofluid. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2007, 21: 1338~1343.

[12] Wang H, Yang G G, Li S A, Shen Q W, Liao J D, Jiang Z H, Zhang G L, Zhang H P, Su F M, Transport-Parameter-Based Correlations for Gas Diffusion Layers Considering Compression and Binder: An Investigation Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method. Energy & fuels, 2022 36(1):589-602.

[13] Wang H, Yang G G, Li S A, Shen Q W, Liao J D, Jiang Z H, Mayken E, Su F M, Pan X X, Numerical study on permeability of gas diffusion layer with porosity gradient using lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(42):22107-22121.

[14] Peng B L, He Z Y, Wang H, Su F M, Optimization of patterned-fins for enhancing charging performances of phase change materials-based thermal energy storage systems, Inter J of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 164: 120573:1-14.

[15] Wang HYang G G Li S A, Shen Q W, Liao J D, Jiang Z H, Zhang G L, Zhang H P, Su F M, Effect of Binder and Compression on the Transport Parameters of a Multilayer Gas Diffusion Layer, Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(18): 15058-15072.

[16] Guo Y, Ma H B, Fu B W, Ji Y L, Su F M, Wilson Corey, Heat Transfer Analysis of Flash Evaporation With MEPCM., Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2019, 115: 051016-1~10.

[17] Guo Y, Wang B, Cui W B, Su F M, Ji Y L, Ma H B, Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Spray Evaporation Based on Droplet Analysis, Heat Transfer Research, 2019, 50(17): 1705-1719.

[18] Dong J M, Wang W N, Han Z T, Ma H B, Deng Y B, Su F M, Pan X X, Experimental Investigation of the Steam Ejector in a Single-Effect Thermal Vapor Compression Desalination System Driven by a Low-Temperature Heat Source, Energies, 2018, 11: 2282: 1-13.

[19] Deng Y B, Wu H W, Su F M, Combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of low swirl injector, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 110: 171-180.

[20] Cui W B, Ma H B, Tian B H, Ji Y L, Su F M, Electrowetting on a multi-walled carbon nanotube membrane with different droplet sizes in an electric field, Journal of Matereials Science, 2016, 51(8):4031-4036.

[21] Zhao N N, Fu B W, Ma H B, Su F M, Ultrasonic effect on heat transfer performance of oscillating heat pipes, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2015, 137:091014-1-6.

[22] Cui W B, Zhang Z Q, Song C B, Su F M, Ma H B, Flow Boiling Enhancement by the Surface Quenched in Nanofluid, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 672-674: 1449-1453.

[23] Deng Y B, Xu Z, Su F M, Pyrolysis characteristics of long flame coal, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 724-725: 1042-1045.

[24] Cui W B, Su F M, Li H J, Evaluation of a Steam jet refrigerator with the varying specific heat ratio, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 385-386:220-224.

[25] Ji Y L, Su F M, Wang G, Ma H B, Particle size effect on heat transfer performance in an oscillating heat pipe, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2011, 35(4):724-727.


1.一種利用相變微膠囊的真空閃蒸式海水淡化方法及系統,中國, CN2015100 64334. X

2.一種采用絲網分離方法優化設計的船舶大氣冷凝器裝置,中國, ZL2016105 50917.8

3. 一種利用相變微膠囊增強保溫的海上保溫救生服,中國,CN2016111798 74.3

4. 用于海洋沉積物中天然氣水合物開采的熱激發法開采裝置,中國,CN20171 0541997.5

5. 一種耐鹽霧柔性減阻塗層及其制備方法與應用,中國,CN202011515726.0


1. 大連市自然科學優秀學術論文獎,基于薄液膜蒸發的超高速冷凍降溫方法, 一等獎, 2013

2. 大連市自然科學優秀學術論文獎,氨水溶液中的絕熱噴霧吸收過程研究, 三等獎,2014

3. 遼甯省自然科學學術成果獎,Numerical Analysis of Ammonia Bubble Absorption in a Binary Nanofluid, 二等獎, 2016




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